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All about microalgae

A blog powered by Buggypower

The greatest changes can start microscopically

My name is Pedro Escudero. I’m the President of Buggypower, a bio-based company with a proprietary technology dedicated to the controlled production of marine microalgae biomass, located in Porto Santo, Madeira (Portugal), in partnership with Electricity of Madeira.

I’ve been using a sentence for some time in which I truly believe: the future of nutrition and mankind lies in the oceans. Particularly in microalgae. Just think about this: microalgae exist in our planet for 3 billion years and they are responsible for 50% to 75% of the oxygen we breathe. That is about 330 billion tons per year. And they have endless possibilities, from biofuel to healthcare, cosmetics, and animal and human nutrition. For our benefit, they are highly rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and above all, polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega 6 and omega 3. With this magical formula, they can help to improve visual and brain functions, reduce inflammatory events, stimulate the immune system, increase cells’ antioxidation, inhibit cancer and prevent heart diseases.

I’m not speaking by heart but from the heart, since I myself had a heart condition and to help me change my habits completely, I had in microalgae a powerful healthy (and tasty) ally. To not make this all to personal, but to make my point even more convincing, according to 2012 European Cardiovascular Disease Statistics, the CVD cost in the EU economy is estimated around €196 billion a year. And according to a EU Public Health report from 2015, the EU’s healthcare bill for chronic disease is €700 billion, the equivalent to 70–80 % of healthcare costs.

Alguimya lisboa portugal

I know for sure that none of us wants to be a part of these statistics, but would like instead to be art of another one, altogether different, that is positively growing in numbers. According to National Geographic’s 2104 Greendex survey with Globescan, there are countless people around the globe, like you and me, who are making sustainable changes in the way they live, including the amount and type of food, energy, and other goods they consume.

As far as I’m concerned, my goal is to contribute to the future of mankind through the immense power of microalgae. Because I believe that the greatest changes can start microscopically.